Our Commercials

In the early summer of 2013, we aired our first TV commercial in 18 years. In 2014, we revamped our "Soft & Fresh" commercial to a 30-second version! Please have a look at the epi mou product range.

Soft & Fresh Commercial

  • Shinobu Foods Commercial Scene

    After the nostalgic "Shinobu Foods" jingle, an upbeat melody with the lyrics "epi mou, mmm, sandwich" plays against scenes of mix sandwich, colorful fresh vegetables, and boiled eggs bouncing atop bread.

  • Shinobu Foods Commercial Scene

    But the true star of epi mou is the soft bread. "After all, what's the point of making a sandwich if the bread isn't tasty?" says the voiceover. One bite of epi mou, which has absolute confidence in its bread, and you'll know exactly what was meant by those words.

The Earl Commercial

  • Shinobu Foods Commercial Scene

    An early modern European earl stares at his cards with a serious expression. He's concentrating on the card game when a butler brings in the epi mou Mixed Sandwich. The earl's expression changes once he takes a bite.

  • Shinobu Foods Commercial Scene

    Based on the theory that the Earl of Sandwich invented sandwiches to eat while playing games, this commercial comically expresses surprise at how tasty epi mou is. In the end, it seems tea time has started, with everyone holding epi mou sandwiches and forgetting the game.